Border Abolition Now edited by Sara Riva, Simon Campbell, Brian Whitener, Kathryn Medien
'Outstanding ... A rich, hopeful guide that shows us how the world could be borderless, flourishing, free' - Luke de Noronha, co-author, Against Borders
Borders must be abolished. Borders produce and are produced by carceral, racist, classist, sexist, and xenophobic regimes.
Border Abolition Now demands transformative politics to dismantle these systems of oppression. Taking the key tenets of abolitionism and applying them to the debate around borders, the contributors bring a rich understanding of the history and context of carceral and policing systems. Heralding from different countries, disciplines, and activist struggles, they show how their theories are being realized through feminist decolonial praxis, and how personal experiences of borders and organizing against them inform abolition.
Expanding the debate to areas including asylum, detention camps, mobility, and climate change, Border Abolition Now offers new tools for anyone working to defend freedom of movement for all.
Paperback / 272 pages