The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde
Over 300 poems by the late poet, who is noted for the passion and vision of her poems about being African American, a lesbian, a mother, and a daughter, is collected in this definitive anthology of her work.
Originally published in 1997. Includes index and every poem ever published by the late poet, who is noted for the passion and vision of her poems about being African American, a lesbian, a mother, and a daughter, is collected in a definitive anthology of her work.
"These are poems which blaze and pulse on the page."--Adrienne Rich
"The first declaration of a black, lesbian feminist identity took place in these poems, and set the terms--beautifully, forcefully--for contemporary multicultural and pluralist debate."-- Publishers Weekly
"This is an amazing collection of poetry by . . . one of our best contemporary poets. . . . Her poems are powerful, often political, always lyrical and profoundly moving."-- Chuckanut Reader Magazine
"What a deep pleasure to encounter Audre Lorde's most potent genius . . . you will welcome the sheer accessibility and the force and beauty of this volume."-- Out Magazine
Paperback / 512 pages