Exchanging Violets zine by The Hangout
Experiments in Imagining Otherwise by Lola Olufemi
Falling Back in Love with Being Human: Letters to Lost Souls by Kai Cheng Thom
Feed by Tommy Pico
Felicity by Mary Oliver
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 10
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 11
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 12
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 13
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 14
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 15
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 5
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 6
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 7
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 8
Fourteen Poems: Queer Poetry Anthology - Issue 9
Fovea / Ages Ago by Sarah Lasoye
Fragmented Light by Carolyn Reed & Reanna Valentine
Freedom House by KB Brookins
full-metal indigiqueer: the pro(1,0)zoa by Joshua Whitehead
Funeral Diva by Pamela Sneed
Gay Heaven Is A Dance Floor But I Can't Relax by charles theonia
Glimpses zine: A Bookish Look at Queer History by Ray Larman, Nicola Hargrave and Joe Thompson
Glory Hole by Kim Hyun
Hand in Hand with Love: An anthology of queer classic poetry edited by Simon Avery
Hard Drive by Paul Stephenson
He, She, They, Us: An Anthology of Queer Poems by Charlie Castelletti
High Jump as Icarus Story by Gustav Parker Hibbett
Hold Your Own by Kae Tempest
Honeybee by Trista Mateer
Hot Tears Through Velvet Rage by Adriann Ramirez
Howl, Kaddish and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg