Gay Liberation Front (GLF) Manifesto 1971
This 50th Anniversary Edition of the Gay Liberation Front Manifesto has been published by GLF Reclaim Pride Collective, a group of GLF agitators and today's LGBTQ+ activists. It marks the first time the original manifesto has been reproduced since 1971. Editions produced by the GLF Information Service, in 1979 and 2010, offered an edited version of the text excluding sections of the original.
Produced by the the Manifesto Group of Gay Liberation Front (GLF) during the Summer of 1971. This manifesto represents the pinnacle of radical LGBTQ+ politics during the turbulent times of 1970s Britain. This edition includes the 8 demands of the GLF, the GLF principles and the complete 1971 text of the GLF Manifesto.
Paperback / 88 pages