Small Beauty by Jia Qing Wilson-Yang
Small Beauty tells the story of Mei. Coping with the death of her cousin, she abandons her life in the city to live in his now empty house in a small town. There she connects with his history as well as her own, learns about her aunt's long-term secret relationship, and reflects on the trans women she has left behind.
'In this debut work of startling maturity, Wilson-Yang pays homage to, and also challenges, the now familiar trope of the North American 'gender novel' and 'race novel' in order to situate her winsome heroine on new, challenging territory. A many-faceted gem, Small Beauty is one of those novels that women of colour, trans women, and fiction in general have been waiting generations for.' Kai Cheng Thom, Writer and Spoken Word Artist
Paperback / 176 pages