Trans Muted: Issue 10 zine
Issue ten is a 100 page A5 paperback anthology of poems, artworks, comics, stories, articles, essays, and monologues by our incredible transgender, non-binary, and non-cisgender contributors!
Whether you read Transmuted on a bus, in the park, at home – or keep it on your coffee table, in your bag, to a protest in case of a kettle – it is packed full of content to inspire your creativity and learn about trans stories from all over this big blue marble.
This issue features 7 artists, 6 comics, 16 poets, 6 short stories, and 4 articles - plus more art and content for your perusal...
Lucas Califano - @genitaliapanic
Leonardo Rizzi - @il_collettivo_
Darynkover - @darynkover_
Ants and Teeth - @antsandteeth
Lee Oakley - @oakleeart
Dean Williams - @kinkleeds
T Southwell - @t.so_thwell
Lyd Arlo - @lydarlo
Devin Kane -
Axel - @axelh1991
Hamish Bell
M Devenny - @megandevenny
Cyril W Chen - @cyberspacevoid
Aspen Greenwood - @aspen_thetree_greenwood
Jay Alexander - @jay_2263
Nancy Boy - @esse.rena
Ari - @arislittleartspace
Bea Woods - @way_to_bea_me
Eglantine Vitava - @eglantine.vltava
Karsten - @dragepust
Brooks K Eisenbise - @eyesnbyes
Lillian Tomkins - substack .@lilliantomkins
Rebys J Hynes - @rebysjhynes
Chandler Carter - @pupperpostin
Sadie Kaye - @sadie_artist
Elijah Tiger - @elijahtiiger
Edison Hipkin
J S Gupta
Dorian Rose - @generefuccere